Nvim Lua
title: “Neovim Installation and config with Lua” tags: dotfile —
- Neovim version > v0.8.2
Clone Repository and set as default nvim config
git clone git@github.com:redjoker011/nvim_lua.git ~/.config/nvim
Install Plugins using Packer
open neovim and run :PackerInstall
Package Mananger
LSP, Linter, Parser and Auto Complete
Git Tools
Theme and Status Line
Indentation, Comments and more
Floating Buffer and Window control
Tree Directory
Key Bindings
Leader Key
Common Key Bindings
<Leader> means you have to either hit ,
bar or Space
- global leader -
- local leader -
<C-w-s> means you have to hit Ctrl followed by w and s
<Leader>sf means you have to hit the Leader key(Space | ,) followed by s and f |
Key Binding | Description | Plugin |
<C-w-s> | Open new window in horizontal mode | |
<C-w-v> | Open new window in vertical mode | |
I | Insert Mode | |
Esc | Exit Insert Mode | |
<Leader>ev | Edit $VIMRC | |
<Leader>sv | Reload $VIMRC | |
<Leader>? | Find recently opened files | Vim Telescope |
<Leader><Space> | View existing buffers | Vim Telescope |
<Leader>sf | Search File in directory | Vim Telescope |
<Leader>sh | Search Help tags | Vim Telescope |
<Leader>sg | Search for word or regrexp using Grep in directory | Vim Telescope |
<Leader>sd | Search Diagnostics | Vim Telescope |
gd | Go To Definition | LSP |
gr | Go To References | LSP |
gI | Go To Implementation | LSP |
<Leader>D | Type Definition | LSP |
K | Hover Documentation | LSP |
<Leader>v | Toggle Nvim Tree | Nvim Tree |
<C>v | Open file in vertical split | Nvim Tree |
<C>x | Open file in horizontal split | Nvim Tree |